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advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy

The point is that for the average person in the street they want to be rule by sensible and caring people. Mothers are not known to do this. Repeating the same fallacy over and over again does not make it any more convincing. Wrong. You gave great answers. Can improve the overall chances in the lives of many people. Which would be all right, if men done a half decent job in doing this. Bureaucracies slow things - decision-making, communication, action - and the company becomes a . I was brought up to be a macho man as a boy but in truth i never really wanted to be aggressive to other people. This is why in democracy they have to have fiercely competing political parties to make it work. They distinguish themselves from the group through their behavior and accomplishments. You should also consider the Mosuo--the last semi-matriarchal society in the world, in China. From the hydroelectric dam to the remote control to the transistor to the internal combustion engine to the suspension bridge to the refrigerator to the TV dinner to canned food? At least have the intellectual integrity to call it that. But, circumstances started to change when males started to subjugate and suppress women. I strongly feel this a a really good way forward and really do hope this will happen as the govenments are making a terrible job at the moment. So, these elements can fulfill ones needs. This benefit allows each partner to tackle tasks based on their areas of specialty. Sorry to say, if you think women are superior and have these sort of fantasies, you are a disgrace to nature and are weak both physically and mentally. William Bond (author) from England on July 10, 2012: I agree Aincas, that it should be obvious that men commit far, far more violence than women. If we have a matriarchal system based on the nurturing feminine ideals then people will vote for politicans who are not great military leader or successful con men but geniuine caring and loving people. And yes, boys and men clearly are NOT free to express themselves; if they were, they would be able to wear skirts and dresses in public without shame, and wear slightly revealing clothes and Speedoes without being tainted with the gay label. It would also depend on somehow mitigating the social problems that arise when matriarchy extends to the base unit of society--the 2-32 times greater risk fatherless children have of a whole host of social maladies that lead them to be burdens on, rather than productive members of, society. I wish to point out that Hitler and the Nazi party were all men. like you say you only need to look at male animals how aggressive they can be and after all humans are animals, its perfectly natural! According to you, when the Spartan woman told her husband, "come back with your shield or on it", she bore no responsibility for the deaths he caused. Search my user name when you have a revelation that women are actual persons capable of personal agency and sovereignty, and who are fully capable of being held responsible for their own actions. A recent study determined by mathematical model that among early hominids, women's sexual choices to reward the extra investment of subordinate males was what transitioned humanity from an inefficient tournament model to an extremely effective egalitarian monogamous one. The most successful policians are those who can play the political of a war of words and again this doesn't equip them to be very good rulers of people. Consumers can benefit from lower prices and better quality goods and services due to the competitiveness of the firms. ( noun) When a married couple live together in a new residence instead of with the husband's family ( patrilocal residence) or the wife's family ( matrilocal residence ). Even if it were true, it is still sexism. They are objects, merely reacting to things that are done to them, with no volition or free will to choose a better way? I never said. Related Posts. Thus, those resources should be sustainable and can be recycled. "At present female politicians have to join patriarchal political parties and prove themselves to be macho men to be taken seriously. Men used acid, and taught women to use the same weapons against them. You then have to ask yourself why are we allowing idiots like this rule and dominate our world? This statement comes from a grave misconception of what causes wars. For instance, a male stag will fight other male stags to have the biggest harem of females he can possibly have. I'm just asking because I have other things to do than to repeat myself and it would be nice if you told me now so I don't waste my time. Yes, I agree invention can be difficult for men, but it is even far harder for women. Pakistan is a patriarchal society as male is the head of the family. It believes in maintaining balance among the sexes as highlighted in feminism. There are many definitions available for elaborating the concept of patriarchy. Polyandry is a form of marriage in which one woman marries more than one man at a given time. See my response above. But if you insist that men and women are the same and any suggestion that they are not is sexism, then I dont see how this conversation can continue. Yes, as a man I would exclude myself from being a politician or Prime Minister, but I do not exclude myself in being able to think and say what is in my mind. You cannot allow someone else to rule the world without the person doing the allowing being in power. Yes, men have created democracy and tried to create equal societies and tried to stop wars, but what is very noticeable, is how they have failed in this. Yes, violent men always make this excuse. I'm sure you can find a way to blame that lack of maternal instinct on men, though. And most of those who are violent, are so because they were victims of violence themselves. Supporters of. I shall be interested in reading future blogs on the subject. Yes, you can always find individual women who are not very materialistic but you have to see the big picture. This is such a bad and uneducated statement. Women who are not dominated by oppressive patriarchal societies are more able to express their nurturing and loving natures. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. And you want to put women in charge? Patriarchy is not a system which benefits MEN. If things get worse then people might look for something different but the chances are they will look to Facism or bring back communism or perhaps go to extreme religion. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Feminism. The two systems have a major difference in their ideas about nature. We are the offspring of those who fought for their survival. That's the down side of feminism. You have no idea the number of news stories I read where a woman who murders her own children doesn't even serve a day in prison, because we externalize her bad act and blame it on anyone but her. Women then have the choice of either giving away their power, or to learn to be as assertive and competitive as men. There are other men committing mass rapes on women in the Congo. I think that we are all well aware of woman's fallibility, wrongful decisions, their right to own every aspect of their lives and their decisions, their violence and indirect competitivness, as well as their cunning and manipulative personalities that could either be used to hurt or harm others, their cause of emotional abuse, and all the imperfections that women are guilty of, no one here is denying that, I think we all perfectly know what exactly it is we are asking for, we also have been at the shit end of the stick by women but see within them their ultimate potential to make this world better, just as we see this within all of us, we don't need feminism or civil rights to tell us that, but there are people in this world that definately need to be firmly reminded of that. If this is true, this means it is impossible to solve basic problems like war, crime and poverty. Can improve confidence levels of minorities. 121. In fact, it borders on child abuse. For men, it is youth and beauty, for women it is power, status and material wealth. Many governments attempt to balance the powers of a monarchy between multiple groups, but a ruler that is determined to be cruel . And in our competitive patriarchal world is seems that the most competitive and aggressive people get to the top.. We seem to accept violence and war as 'normal'. We have to be clear about this. What is a pity is that Lucy83 and me both want the same thing, and that is the empowerment of women. As women have far less interest in war and violence than what men do. It can only be done through democractic means. To rise to power within a female only political system would require being just as competitive and ruthless as in anywhere else. "Hi Girlwriteswhat, I agree with you that patriarchy was created when patriarchal tribes conquered the peaceful matriarchal Neolithic civilizations.". The accomplishments of men are not the result of men being better. Every family plays their role by performing these functions: Reproduction and sexual relation Care & protection of children Some of the strongest advocates of patriarchy are women. Wiki User 2014-06-11 21:43:24 Study now See answer (1) Best Answer Copy The advantages is that they are strong because one. Matriarchal societies are consciously built upon these maternal values and motherly work, and this is why they are much more realistic than patriarchies. They certainly make perfect sense within an evolutionary perspective. ". Women have had equal access to education for the last half century. And remember, these TROs are unfounded or false--meaning the man did NOT brutalize the woman into behaving in this way. It harnesses the potential productivity and protectiveness of males. This works well because they avoid risk in a fight themselves but still have a man or group of men beaten to a pulp by the man or men she got to fight for her. This fierce competitive instinct also creates very unequal societies as well. Not all losses are compensated The insurance may not compensate for all types of losses that occur to the insured. Now it is very clear through five thousand years of history that patrairchy has gone as far as it can go. The only way women can regain power is to convince both men and women that they would be better off, if women ruled our world. Back in the 19th century when women first began to organize protest against inequality there were men who were saying things like, men should rule the world because they are more intelligent than women or that, women are too emotional to make hard and sensible decisions. Patriarchy was not created when patriarchal tribes conquered the peaceful matriarchal Neolithic civilizations. You cannot blame women for wars, because women do not rule our world. Women burst into that male-dominated scientific field without need for tools, money or encouragement. This is a personality trait issue that is encouraged by some and dispised by others. And a male feminist might say, "But I don't want to wear those things in the first place,so how is it a bad thing that we can't wear them?" It make sense for our world to be rule by nuturing and maternal people and not the most competitive people like we have throughout our history. And I can't see how anyone in their right mind can expect women to surpass the advances of men in such little time when men have had centuries of accomplishment over women, I find that absolutely unrealistic, women need time to broaden their horizens and free themselves from the contraints of their traditonal gender roles and I will acknowledge the same for men as well, and this will not be accomplished over night. It would be far better if men stop looking for scapegoats for the world's problems and blame each other and look at themselves and men in general. While men continue to do this, we will always have wars, genocide, poverty and a large gap between rich and poor. Advantages of family a) Perform various functions The culture of the family started before humans came into existence. The fallacy lies in a blindness to the similarities. William Bond (author) from England on July 03, 2012: Hi Lucy, yes, clearly I must be dogmatic, because I don't share your beliefs. Are you saying that it would be political correct to say, "people do a really terrible job in ruling our world". I would like to take this chance to say thankyou for writing about this subject its such ashame that it is not more widely discussed. All the matriarchal societies of the Neolithic age was destroyed by violent conquest. It is also theorized that some of the earliest socities like Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu were possibly Matriarchal-Egalitarian societies, they were also said to be technologically advance beyond their time. Women in patriarchal society tend to be subordinate to men, whereas women in matriarchal society may hold power positions. Women are currently at a disadvantaged with respect to rights, compared with men such as respect and such conditions According to dictionary.com Feminism can be defined as a doctrine or movement that advocates equal rights for women. So it was they who got the Nobel Prize, and her work was not even acknowledged by the Nobel Prize committee. If you want to live in a society where women rule, the Mosuo are there waiting for you in China, in their villages with no electricity or running water, and where livestock roam through the houses. Native women and all women of color continued to face a disproportionate number of obstacles, but the first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, Wilma Mankiller provides us with a good . Females do not have the same pressures in that regard, because men's criteria for a sexual partner have always been different, and over human history, women evolved to express those traits, and men to express others. If you decide for yourself that's not sexism then, again, that's your choice. The two parents have closely related genetics and may capitalize on their superior traits. It annoys me to when people suggest that feminine men/masculine women are simply "not being true to themselves", which is bullsh*t. I don't think that gender is biological, and if a man were to ask Ellen Degeneres to "not be ashamed of expressing her feminine side", I am almost certain he would have his face rearranged, or at least be given a stern lecture on diversity and transphobia.

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